sm william books

Erotic Romance Novels that will steam up your glasses. SM William is prolific and 

writes frequently. Come back over and over. Who knows what she's going to release next?

10 Years

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Walking through the halls of high school, I saw a girl that I had never seen before. As she got closer, my eyes were drawn to her. What’s bizarre is that she was staring me down too. As we came closer to each other, I smiled at her. Thank God, she smiled back. I needed to know who this girl was as soon as possible. I saw my friend Nick right behind her, staring at her ass. I felt a pang of jealousy. I hadn’t even met this girl, and I was already possessive of her.
I caught up with Nick during 4th period. Before class started, I asked Nick who’s the girl he was staring at. “After 2nd period?” Nick said, “Her name is Kayla. She just transferred from Maine. Her father got transferred to Chicago.” We were about 30 miles south of Chicago, so I guess he didn’t mind the commute. The only suburb that feeds into this school is Tinley Park. There is another high school on the far west side of town that also only takes kids from Tinley Park. This made it easy to date in high school. Everyone that went to our school lived within a 10-mile radius. Nick said, “she has the most epic ass I’ve ever seen. If I wasn’t so happy with Mindy, I’d be all over that.” I replied, “I smiled at her in the hall, and she smiled back. I don’t know if it means anything, but her smile is beautiful. I have to find a way to ask her out before anyone else gets the same idea.” Nick said, “You better hurry. Carter was all over her before class. He may have asked her out already. You better get on that right now.”
10 years covers 2 lovers who overcome the test of time to be together. The love they have for each other never goes dormant. The long nights together with love spread out between them strengthen the connection between each other. THeir passion keeps them longing after each other. Read 10 years and enjoy a wonderful love story that stays rooted in these two for 10 full years of seperation.

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SM William Books

Our history

S.M. William has a vast library of romance novels. She finally decided to write and see what kind of success she would have. Her down-and-dirty style is a good mix of the story and the love and sex a couple have when they get together. Her novels are not for the weak of heart. But if you love a good story with a lot of sexual play during it, S.M. William is the writer for you.

She is a prolific writer so the books will be released frequently and have many storylines you will enjoy.


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